Come Walk with Me

Image Courtesy of @mrbray

In 2019 my life radically changed. Having lived in the Pacific Northwest for over two decades I had never traveled further than Canada or Mexico, always somewhere within the Americas. I then experienced a personal tragedy that left me feeling lost and all alone. Through the grace of God, my sister reached out to me and told me about “The Camino”. I had never heard of it before.

She started to tell me about it and I still had trouble wrapping my head around the idea. I thought out loud “wait, you just go for a long walk in another country?'“.

She stopped short and said “you know what just watch the movie “The Way” with Martin Sheen, that movie will explain it”. So I picked up the film off of iTunes and watched, cried, and then watched it again, and again until I finally started to see it. This wasn’t just a long stroll through the Spanish countryside this was a road of healing, a road of spiritual and physical transformation, an ancient path that had been paved with the sweat, tears, and love of millions of people for ages looking to regain something, re-discover their purpose or find creative, relational and spiritual renewal.

Ron Tindage (the owner of Immaculate Tours) through my sister, lovingly encouraged me to take this journey, that I had only just heard of. It was such a powerful and surprising experience. I saw myself with one step at a time completing a distance I had never come close to attempting before and with folks considerably my senior. I made friends from all around the globe and even witness two profound miracles. One was a supernatural healing, which perhaps I’ll share more at length at a later date, and the relational healing from years and years of bitterness I had needlessly held onto. I am forever thankful to, my sister and to Ron for inviting me to come to walk with them on the road to Santiago and I pray for many more opportunities.

I have realized now that I’m just a pilgrim on a journey looking for a deep level of peace. To quote St. Augustine “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” It is in this same spirit of generosity that I invite you as well to “Come Walk With Me” with Immaculate Tours, as we take one step after another step, towards our own interior peace.

Graciously yours,

Mr. Jesse Bray


Holy Land, Here We Go!